Chondrodite reportedly from Tanga, Tanzania

A parallel array of needle-like inclusions is present within a ‘fingerprint’ in a chondrodite reportedly from Tanga, Tanzania. Photomicrograph by Christopher P. Smith; magnified 68x.

A parallel array of needle-like inclusions is present within a ‘fingerprint’ in a chondrodite reportedly from Tanga, Tanzania. Photomicrograph by Christopher P. Smith; magnified 68x.

AGL was able to examine some Chondrodite from Tanzania in 2014. While gem-worthy material chondrodite is rare, it is known to come from various locales in Tanzania. The stones examined in this case were reportedly from a new location in Tanzania—the Tanga region. One of the specimens examined was found to have parallel needle-like inclusions as seen on the left.

The research was published in the Journal of Gemmology, Vol 34, No 8 pp 655.

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