Spessartine from the Democratic Republic of Congo

These near-end member spessartines (0.62-0.84 ct), reportedly from the Democratic Republic of Congo, display an unusual yellow-brown color. Photo by Bilal Mahmood.

These near-end member spessartines (0.62-0.84 ct), reportedly from the Democratic Republic of Congo, display an unusual yellow-brown color. Photo by Bilal Mahmood.

Around 2009, unusual yellow-brown spessartines reportedly from the Democratic Republic of Congo were loaned to American Gemological Laboratories for examination. In addition to the unusual coloring of these gemstones, their country of origin made them truly unique stones. To check out the research, see below.

This research was published in the Journal of Gemmology, Vol 34. No 4, 2014. pp 299-300.

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